Visual Discourse

Call for

We call for participation from artists, filmmakers, designers and researchers all across the world, to present their work, with a special emphasis on the design of visual narratives in the larger context of Visual Discourse- a dialogue between the makers, the readers and the scholars who study the phenomenon. This conference provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art and cutting edge research and developments in creation, analysis and application of visual narratives in design space.

How to

Designers, Researchers, Authors, Filmmakers and Artists are invited to participate in the conference in the following ways:

  1. Research papers

    • Submit a full-length written paper on completed research relating to design, review or application of Visual narratives.
    • Based on the quality and completeness of the work papers will be selected for podium presentation or poster presentation
  2. Pictorial research papers

    • Submit a pictorial paper on completed research relating to design, review or application of Visual narratives, these will be in the format of comics/graphic novel or animated/live action video.
    • Based on the quality and completeness of the work papers will be selected for podium presentation or poster presentation
  3. Narrative exhibition

    • Submit a proposal for a display of a design outcome coming out of a research work on a topic related to design, review or application of Visual narratives.
    • Based on the quality and completeness of the work an exhibition space will be provided for the display of the proposed work. Display can be either static, dynamic, augmented or in virtual format.
  4. Student narrative exhibition

    • Submit a design project with an outcome as a Visual narratives.
    • Based on the quality and completeness of the work an exhibition space will be provided for the display of the submitted work. Display can be either static, dynamic, augmented or in virtual format.

Topics of

But are not limited to

  • Narrative theory for visual storytelling
  • New Media/XR Narratives
  • Comics and graphic novels
  • Film studies
  • Storytelling for design problem-solving
  • Narratives in Games
  • Storytelling and pedagogy
  • Storytelling and Data Visualization
Comic Strip 4

Important Dates

Research papers & Pictorial Research papers

Call for extended abstracts:

15 August 2024

Extended abstract due:

30 September 2024


06 October 2024

Final paper:

30 October 2024

Conference dates:

6, 7 & 8 November 2024

Review and acceptance for publication:

25 November 2024

Camera ready submission:

15 December 2024

Proposals for Narrative exhibition & Student narrative exhibition

Call for proposal:

15 August 2024

Proposals due:

30 September 2024

Review and Acceptance:

06 October 2024

Setting up the exhibition at Venue:

06 November 2024

Conference dates:

6, 7 & 8 November 2024

Submit a proposal for a display of a design outcome coming out of a research work on a topic related to design, review or application of Visual narratives.

Based on the quality and completeness of the work an exhibition space will be provided for the display of the proposed work. Display can be either static, dynamic, augmented or in virtual format.

Submission and Publication Details

Research papers & Pictorial Research papers

  • Submission through
  • Extended Abstract Reviewing Process: Single-Blind Peer Review, Non-Anonymous submission. Acceptance for conference presentation will be based on an extended abstract.
  • Conference Abstract Proceedings: Conference book with ISBN number
  • Extended Abstract Format: As per the submission details
  • Final Paper review Process: Double-Blind Peer Review, Anonymous submission. Acceptance for conference publication will be based on an extended abstract.
  • Conference Proceedings: Publication with ISBN number
  • At least one author per submission must register and attend the conference.
  • Abstract will be published in conference abstract book but Papers that do not meet the camera-ready publication criteria will not be included in the final conference proceedings.

Narrative Exhibition & Student Narrative Exhibition

  • Submission through
  • Reviewing Process: Single-Blind Peer Review, Non-Anonymous submission
  • Proceedings: Conference abstract book with ISBN number
  • Abstract Submission Format: As per the submission details
  • Explainer Video: Max 5 mins, min resolution - HD (1920 x 1080 px), 20 MB max
  • At least one contributor per submission must register and attend the conference to exhibit the work and to be included in the proceedings.
  • Entries with potential of publication will get a chance to submit a full paper for publication.