Visual Discourse

Call for
Narrative Exhibition

We are thrilled to announce an open call for exhibitions in the professional track of Visual Discourse 2024, dedicated to exploring and celebrating visual narratives. We invite designers, creators, storytellers and professionals from various disciplines to showcase their work, offering a platform for diverse and innovative narrative media.


We welcome submissions across a broad spectrum of formats:

Media Types

We are interested in exhibitions that explore the following narrative media:

  • Visual Storytelling Projects: Including but not limited to comics, graphic novels, or illustrative storytelling.
  • Comics and Graphic Novel Works: Innovative interpretations and presentations of sequential art.
  • Film, Animation, and Video Outcomes: Short films, animations, or video art that convey a strong narrative.
  • Narratives in Games/Interactive Narratives: Story-driven games or interactive storytelling projects.
  • New Media/XR Narrative Experiences: Cutting-edge narratives in virtual, augmented, or mixed reality.
  • Unclassifiable Narratives: Projects that push the boundaries of traditional narrative forms.

Important Dates:


Each submission should include the following:

All exhibits will be provided with a wall outlet, a table and a chair. All the other equipment required to exhibit the work must be brought to the venue by the participants.

Submission Summary

Selection & Curation

Submissions will be reviewed by the chairs, along with a panel of designers, artists and domain experts. If selected, the participants will be contacted via email.

Selection Criteria

Requirements Post Acceptance

Upon acceptance, additional details and requirements will be provided to the participants via email. The participants will be asked to prepare a poster explaining their work, which will be displayed at the venue. The dimensions and details of the poster will be communicated closer to the conference date.

Note: AT LEAST ONE participant per submission MUST attend the conference to exhibit the work and be included in the conference manual.

Exhibition & Presentation

The participants must be available at least a day before the conference to learn the location and install and test the exhibits. Further instructions will be provided at the time of acceptance.

Contact Information

For queries, please contact the Track chairs - Jayesh Pillai, Udaya Kumar & Abhishek Verma, at